Sunday, February 27, 2011


My husbands latest HEB run :

Definitely a keeper.

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Location:Onion Crossing Dr,Austin,United States

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Christian Bale-Berg Thins

So, I'm currently accepting all food packaging customization jobs. Turn your favorite celebrity into a sexy spokesperson! Want Justin Bieber's head on Beyonce's body? No problem!

Body: Marky Mark Wahlberg
Head: Christian Bale
Food: Wheat Thins
Image processed using JotNot Pro app on iPhone

Price: $300

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines day !

The awesome vday dinner Nick made; steak, shrimp, grilled stuffed portabello, purple potatoes and garlic artichoke!!

... and what's left of my chocolates. I don't want to miss anything so I have to taste them all before I get sick of them.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Stupid iPhone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Rio Grande St,Austin,United States

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dear Jeffrey Campbell...

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways....

And then there is... THIS..??!

This is the weirdest Frankenstein shoe I have ever seen. It gives me the uncomfortable feeling of walking over a drainage grate. You are clearly not going to fall in because your feet wouldn't fit through the tiny holes but you still avoid it. Like, how the hell does the skateboard stay on your feet when you're doing an ollie?? Same kinda thing...

Saturday, February 20, 2010


We took a trip to Whole Foods and Nick had the super idea to make some limeade with the juicer. Here is what I learned : peeling limes is hard!! I'm going as far as saying impossible. As you can see, I had to cut the rind off of them. I wish I could say that all of this hard work was worth it because I had the delicious limeade to drink but for some reason this just didn't work. I guess the limes weren't ready.. I don't know. Maybe I'll try lemonade next.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today is my 6 year anniversary!!!

Yes it is! I am very happy. Babe I love you!!! Here is our Valentines Day 2010 photo.. we didn't even plan it .. we just both naturally go for the tongue-out-stupid-face.

Nick's mom Nancy got us a kewl present from Dubai... or somewhere around there. It's a case.. well I don't know if case is the right word.. it's a holder? ... for our marriage license. We don't have one yet but now when we get one we will have the perfect place to stick it!


I recently attended a one day makeup course here provided by Last Looks Makeup Academy. I have been really excited about doing this for a while. So its too bad that it was a major buzzkill. The lady that instructed the course was nuts. She was pretty unprofessional the majority of the class and I didn't really learn anything that I couldn't have googled on my own. I can say that I got some pretty good hands on experience and NONE of it was ideal. But I think that's ok because that is what the real world is going to be like... completely unpredictable and sucky and old ladies with wrinkly/sweaty eyelids! It was a good lesson in that sense but I feel like good customer service is a thing of the past. I'm not even going to lie and say that I'm nice to all of my customers at work. Just the ones I like. It is what it is, I guess.

In other news, Nick and I went to see The Wolfman and I LOVED this film. Please go see it. 


 I wanna do this guys makeup!